Online Shopping Scams: What Every Consumer Should Know Before Clicking ‘Buy’ This Holiday

The holidays are the perfect chance to spend time with loved ones, enjoy home-cooked meals, exchange gifts, make memories…and get hacked?

Cyber incidents and online shopping scams are always at a high during this time of year, and it’s important for users to be alert and aware in order to protect their money and personal information. Here’s everything you need to know before you start your online Christmas shopping spree.

’Tis the Season for Online Shopping Scams

The holidays are prime time for hackers to take advantage of the hustle and bustle and people looking for deals or chances to save. From charity scams and DDoS attacks to phishing ploys and identity theft, cybercrime is especially prevalent during the holiday season.

Some of the biggest cyber crimes that go on during the holidays are online shopping scams. Hackers often create fake sites that look similar to real shopping platforms or launch fake ads on real sites. They convince shoppers to enter their information by offering items at low prices and then send either no item or a knockoff item while stealing financial and personal information.

Because scammers often require customers to pay with debit cards, money orders, wire transfers, etc., it can be extremely difficult to recover these funds. In fact, Forbes reported that incidents like these cost the US $10 billion in 2023. To avoid contributing to these losses, it’s crucial to stay vigilant and informed.

How Can I Stay Cyber Safe During the Holidays?

These best practices will help you stay safe during the holidays and avoid getting caught in online shopping scams.

Know Who You’re Buying From

As much as possible, stick with well-known, trusted retailers you’ve shopped with before. If you do come across an unfamiliar shopping site, do a little research before buying anything. Explore the site and read reviews from third-party platforms to confirm the seller is legit. Be especially careful with ads on social media, where scammers commonly launch campaigns for fake sites.

Check URLs

Before entering your information into a site, double-check the URL by clicking on the address bar. All online shopping sites should have an “https” address. The “s” stands for “secure”, meaning that data is encrypted. If the URL begins with just “http”, it’s best to steer clear.

Verify Contact Info

Look around on the site to confirm that they have a real address and phone number associated with their business. If there’s no way to contact the company or verify its legitimacy, you may be facing an online shopping scam.

Review Return Policies

Carefully read through return policies before making purchases, especially on unfamiliar sites. Find out how they’ll refund your money, if they even accept returns, if there are time limits, etc., and ensure the rules seem fair and reasonable.

Use Credit Instead of Debit Cards

When possible, try to use your credit card for online purchases. Fraudulent charges on your credit card are easier to resolve than payments made with your debit card or through wire transfers and money orders. If a site doesn’t allow you to use your credit card or has strange requirements for the type of payments they accept, it may not be legitimate.

Make Unique Passwords

As tempting as it is to use the same login information for all shopping sites so you can keep things straight, it’s safer to change up your passwords. Try using a password manager to help you keep track of your unique passwords and stay safe.

Trust Your Instincts

One of the best ways to avoid online shopping scams is to slow down, be observant, and trust your gut. If a site feels off, don’t risk it. If deals seem too good to be true, they probably are. If a retailer asks for more information than is necessary, leave the site ASAP. Listen to your instincts and err on the side of caution—it’s better to keep looking for items on sites you’re comfortable with.

Stay Merry, Bright, and Safe with iTology

Holiday scams and cyber attacks aren’t limited to individuals on shopping sites. Businesses and large organizations are also at risk of having their systems overloaded or hackers taking advantage of the holiday rush and distraction.

To implement best security practices and keep your business from getting caught in a scam, partner with iTology. You’ll enjoy proactive and preventative solutions, specialized services based on your industry and operations, and an attentive, friendly team that’s always ready to jump in. Just send us a message to get started.